Background of the Study

In the ancient times, there were only few people who were interested in the physical activities. Either they were solders, young people or the gladiators. With the idea of removing those boundaries and opening the opportunities for the people formal ways we evolved.
In 19th century health club concept hadn’t even developed, only schools and colleges would include gymnasium in their curriculum as their physical exercise. Many gymnastics club were formed during 19th century like turners, 1930’s there concept of the boxing gym was developed evolving from gymnastic club. In 1960’s and 1970’s gym chains were a trend in itself. Bodybuilding was gradually being accepted in the society. Following 1980’s was the trend of new kind of gyms know as corporate gyms. This kind of gyms were established with in the office premises so as to make the employees healthier and disease free. After that in 1990’s there was the mass popularization of the gym and health clubs and till this date health club and fitness place are widely developing.
In 1900s there was increase in the number of those facilities that were more focused on obese people, rich people and the ones who could afford it. Many people were interested in making their body beautiful and stronger. People were also more involved when “spas” were introduced. As now there are many health clubs and society has happily accepted fitness centers and clubs in their life. There are even separate channels regarding fitness of the people. Health club and centers have greatly affected the lifestyle of the people. Even the school and colleges have included physical fitness as a part of their curriculum.
The management is going to start the health club with the concept of creating healthy world. As this business in flourishing year by year. It would provide the management with the best opportunity. It is a kind of business where the interest of the people can be easily grabbed but along with that the management should keep a perfect plan ready all the time for the people.
Health club is a modern concept where people come and gather at a place where they follow a certain fitness regime to either lose weight, gain muscle or tone themselves. This kind of club are popular among the working people as in short period of time we can easily do achieve what we want in short period of time.

This study will help to analyze how health club will benefit in the life of the people. Also it will let know management decide how this health club can be taken to the next level. Further, it will help to decide if the company will provide return its investment or not.