Background on the case study

The wants, and the demand of the people are increasing day by day.  There is the changing pattern in the global market and the increasing in the competition and the uncertain demand of the consumer, the manufacturing company has to come along the innovative and the effective market strategy. Such kinds of the ideas help in the attracting the larger numbers of the consumers and also enhances the competitive advantage in the marketplace. The future of the marketing company is led by the use of the technology, social and the economic challenges and their effect on the business market is also the important factor.
The study of this article is based on the journal article of “Alibaba goes public”, published by Havard Business School. The study accounts the online marketing company of the People’s Republic of China. was established by Main early 1999 in the small city of Shanghai. The company was run in the linked with the small and the medium-sized Chinese manufacturers and the international buyers. In 2002, the company had the nominal profit. The company is then expanded by having a close discussion and working out on the users’ suggestions, trade and free communication between the buyers and the sellers. The company was also established in the various forms making the supply for the consumers easy and convenient.  Taobao and Tmall are some other online shopping store made by the founder.
The company has undergone lots of the test situation for its success. The topic of the article of very relevant to the content of the article. The content shows the struggle of the team in providing the proper and the international quality goods in low price. The articles emphasize on the trust essential between the buyer and the seller. The risk in the online market is also highlighted in the text.
The article also has shown the corporate governance of the company. The CEO has tried to list his organization in the various exchange stock. His effort of listing his company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and the New-York Stock Exchange has been clearly showing. Therefore, it can be concluded that the topic and literature are the perfect complements to the one another. In the initial phase of collaborating with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Alibaba had to face the hurdles.
 The Hong Kong stock rejected to provide the company the two classes stock. One of the stock was for the management, which was per regarding the voting rights per dollars of equity. The other was of the dual class share is not structure listed on the Honk Kong Stock Exchange. In additions, the Honk Kong Stock Exchange contained the one-quarter of the China-based company. The company is not listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which was the China-based company. This particular movement restricted the company’s limitations in trading, timing, limitations in the speed in the exchange the capital and restricting the other exchanges.

Alibaba’s chairperson Ma then disclosed that he had twenty-eight partners. The executive vice-chairman was quite sure that the partnership policy and the structure of the company would remain unchanged. The retaining of the composition of the board members would preserve the company’s culture. It would also allow the company to make the long-term opportunities and boost the short term profit.