Business information communicating methods

Issues of business information
In any business organization there is certain law that should be followed when using business information. In many organizations it is found that useful information is misused. Generally it is found that people use the information for personal benefit. It is also found that many organization extract information from another rival organization for their benefits. There are different rules and regulations made for the protection of useful information and data of organization. Business information is very crucial to any organization and to protect such information and data laws are made. People working in the organization have to follow different terms and policy to protect the information from misuse. Those policies exist due to existence of misuse of information. Three of the main act that exists in favor of business information protection is data protection act, freedom of information act and computer misuse act.
           Freedom of information act includes the freedom earned by public authority with some limitation. Public authority is bound to provide information to the public about the organization they are related to. Each and every individual have right to get information about the organization where they rely on. The organization should provide necessary information when asked by the customers.
             Data protection act includes all the acts in favor to the internal data and information of organization. This act helps in the protection of data in the organization. Sometimes the information of organization may be lost due to various reasons in that condition backup for all the information will be useful. Similarly different organization use different operating systems for the protection of data.
            Computer misuse act restricts the people to perform illegal activities with the help of computer. The illegal activities include hacking into system of organization, gaining employees personal information and using it to abuse them.

Issue that arises when using business communication
Different kinds of information are used in organization in a daily basis. The information is very important for organizational operation. The organization stores the information safely. Without accurate and proper business information an organization cannot take the proper decision. Organization has to store all the data and information from the past and the present. There should be backups for all information in the organization. Backup helps to access to the information in case the information is lost from the system. The information of organization includes financial transaction, record of the employees and business plans and strategies of the organization. Organization can itself introduce the security policies. Organization will be at huge loss if information like that is lost. For the protection of useful information and data login password, login questions can be asked. The access of information should be limited and only those information and data should be stored that contribute to the operation of organization.

Methods of communicating
With the advancement of technologies the use electronic device has increased widely. This method of communication is efficient and faster. It is cheap means of communication as well. The uses of electronic device for the communication have made business a lot easier than before. This method of communicating helps in sharing the business in the global platform. Uses of electronic means for the communication have made the business a lot simpler. The information can be passed on in any place in any time. The facilities like mobile phones, multi-media, internet have a huge contribution in the business communication today.

          The next method for communicating is without the use of electronic media. Non-electronic media mainly includes written and verbal communication. This method of communication is comparatively easy to understand. The information circulated in written form can be considered as more accurate. Although communication is much easier to understand this method is not considered as best method as communicating through non-electronic means is a time consuming process.