The role of sales and service functioning in retailing

Completive factor in retail environment Retailers have very important role in sales and servicing. Retailers help to maximize the business and also help to determine the profit of the organization. The taste and the preference of the business organization can be known through the retailers. To know the needs and demands of the customer is the main responsibility of the retailer. Retailer can also be known as the middleman who stays in between the business organization and the customer. The retailers should always be aware about the demand of the customer. The retail industry can be influenced by different kind of government policy. The retailer should be well known to every taste of people and should insist people to change their choice if in case they find it bad. Retailers should be able to make things easy for the customer. The retailer should always look for the long term profit and pay all the dues, tax of the government ever time. There should always be fixed marked price, selling price...

Significance and needs of retail industry

Focusing on customer service The retail industry provides various ranges of goods and products. They also have the link and coordination with large number of suppliers. This type of retail industry helps to resolve from the economic crisis as they keep the materials in the stock. They store the goods and use it only in the time when customer wants it. To provide the goods and services to people in large quantity it is very challenging task. As large scale industries produce large quantity of goods the retail industry can store the excess goods and help them to utilize at the time of crisis. It is very important for the organization or the industry to provide all the information to the retailer it is because retailer deals directly with the people or customer. The retailer should have all the taste and experience about the goods because the retailer deals directly with costumer and the retailer will be able to convince the people properly. If all are done properly then the distribution...

Structure of retail sector

Organization and structure of retail sector: Retailing is considered as the sale of goods or commodity in a small quantity to customer. It is simply the process where the customer gets the goods as per their demand and the retailers provide it to them. Retailing simply is an intermediate guide or distributor between an Organization and Customer. The goods firstly produced by the organization or industry are made through different series of process. That product after the finalization then is given to the wholesaler and wholesaler provides it to the retailer. In some cases the organization provides the product directly to the retailer. Retailer has direct approach with the people or customer. As per the demand of people the retailer gets the goods or products from organization and sells it to the customer. In UK the retail industry covers all the business that sells goods and provides good service to the customer. The main organization consist of lots of branches and these branches...

Plan to carryout support

Time and resource planning Planning is the first step to the success. For the achievement of any goal it should be planned in advance. For carrying out support role in the organization it is necessary to make plan with adequate information received form research and all the resource available to implement the plan.  For the performance of support making action plan is extremely important. The first job to perform during plan for the support role is the selection of the staff. Only people who are skilled and eligible for the support role should be selected for the support role. The next thing that should be considered after selection of the staff is the structure of the organization. Every organization is unique in its own way. Staff should be provided training and development. It is impossible carryout support role in the organization if the plan is not set prior.  Plan gives direction to any job so it is necessary to make plan. Plan for the support role should be done...

Reviewing support service

Effectiveness in support roles The objective and goal of the organization keeps on changing time to time. The requirement of the support also changes with the change of goal of the organization. Reviewing of the support activities is extremely important to keep up with the organization. Review of the support helps to find out the current requirement of the organization and helps in the correction of the support plan. Review is always conducted in certain time frame and the outcome of the review helps to modify the support service as it is required. The additional support requirement of the organization is known with the help of review. River Island is one of the leading private companies in United Kingdom. It is a high street fashion brand that operates in worldwide markets.  The company has total 317 stores all over UK. It is the fashion retailing company. The company is committed to provide service to the customer. The effectiveness of support in the company is providing...