The role of sales and service functioning in retailing

Completive factor in retail environment
Retailers have very important role in sales and servicing. Retailers help to maximize the business and also help to determine the profit of the organization. The taste and the preference of the business organization can be known through the retailers. To know the needs and demands of the customer is the main responsibility of the retailer. Retailer can also be known as the middleman who stays in between the business organization and the customer. The retailers should always be aware about the demand of the customer. The retail industry can be influenced by different kind of government policy. The retailer should be well known to every taste of people and should insist people to change their choice if in case they find it bad. Retailers should be able to make things easy for the customer. The retailer should always look for the long term profit and pay all the dues, tax of the government ever time. There should always be fixed marked price, selling price and discount rates in a correct order.

STEMCOR- steel Marketing Corporation is the company based in London, United Kingdom. The company has 145 business units in 45 different countries of the world.  The company is the largest steel trader of the world and is the third largest private company of United Kingdom. The company does not own any of the steel but it supplies the steel to the market by buying the steel from the producers. The companies have provided employment to more than two thousand people all over. Excellent marketing strategy and good internal management have provided the company the best opportunity to stay ahead in the competitive market.