Business Concept and Description of the Case

Description of the Case

The management is planning to establish a health club. Health club is widely accepted in the culture nowadays where health is wealth.  There is a great scope in the establishment of health club business. According to census bureau statistics there are around 21,283 business through US. For the increase in chances of the health club survival management must come up with the helpful and proper plan.
The business plan includes developing a fitness center where most of the people will be able to fulfill their fitness regime. We are going to establish a new business that will be located in the good and proper business area North Greenwich, London. The business might not be so well at the beginning of the months but after the health club takes a proper place in the society it will be fruitful for the both people and the management team. The business will be a sole proprietor ship firm owned by the single person. But major works will be done with mutual agreement between the workers, management team and the director/owner.
The major services provided by the health club will be a proper set of health exercise that are fit for all group of people. Priority of the health club will be providing the space and equipment that would make even the workout regime fun and wonderful. Also providing the exercising area for the children and kids according to their age will set our health club apart from rest of the business plan.
Health is wealth and more people are accepting this concept day by day to live a healthy and happy life. People suffer from chronic diseases and the only solution to this kind of problem is following a strict regime of fitness. This major concept of developing a business plan for health club is to provide a proper space for the people, who can be inspired and get inspired. Many people are lethargic with the concept of health club, many would even not given a second chance for going to the fitness regime. Our plan is to provide them new hope, new thinking and concept for the health club. So that people would adopt this in their daily life.
A proper set of thinking should be inside the management team to make their vision into their reality, most of the planning are done without the proper research and work, this will all lead to chaotic situation.

Business Plan Overview

The management has considered of establishing a health club which is nowadays important part of human life. With the increase in inclination of people towards fitness more, it has opened the doors of opportunities to the management. The health club is established with the vision of providing fitness related facilities at the cheapest price possible. It also has aimed to increase the awareness on health problems if the fitness is not included in life of the people.
For the establishment of the business a proper market research was done that showed about 80% people will be interested in joining the club if they were provided member ship at cheaper rates. It helped the management to fix the price rate if different kind of membership. Among then 50% were students and working people.
The company has come up with the strategy where kids are also allowed in the club and special training are provided to the kids. It will help the parents to keep an eye on their children together with their workout. This will also build a strong between the customers and club. With the help of the health club we want to help the people who are suffering from self-esteem problems. A healthy and beautiful body will also boost the confidence of the person and will always motivate them to forward. The concept of marketing mix is also applied where 4p’s are applied (price, place, promotion and product).
It is expected that there will be around 85 members at the beginning of the business that will make the revenue of the company £196,450. That will increase to 100 members in next year.
The estimated cost for starting the business is £150,000 including all the expenses from getting the place for the club to wages of the staff.  The population in the club is also expected to increase to 15% in the coming years. With the proper business plan the company will be able to achieve all its goals and objectives.
After analyzing the business positive and negative point, management can easily find out the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat for the company (SWOT). The business plan is to work hand in hand with the staff member and employees to develop the concept of health club in a positive way.

Proposed Plan of Action

Each and every business organization should have an action plan so that they can properly formulate in the later life. Mostly the success of the business depends on the plan that is initially established. This will also help the business firm to set specific objectives and see what the main focuses in it are. Each and everyone’s thought will be shared prior to taking any action that would help in executing only the best ideas for the development of the business. Similarly, planning can help the management to set up a backup plan that would be necessary for the business if the expected plan didn’t work out.
The first step of establishing the health club is finding out the proper area or the location where the business can be started. Location of the health club will play very important role in finding out the right customer for them. For making the business plan each and every one important to the business should agree with the plan’s content. The main importance of the business plan should include major three questions:
1.    Where is our current status?
2.    Where do we want to be?
3.    How can the goals be achieved?
The business plan of the business should revolve with in this. If these three topics are monitored then the company can easily look after plan the business well. Similarly, different equipment’s will be set in the location selected above. After all the set up work are completed the business will start its advertising campaign. This will attract the maximum number of customers for the firm. Even though the initial inflow of the members might be less but this does not mean the business is performing bad. Those members will act advertisers if services provided to them is good.
Management should have a plan that would be helpful not only for themselves but also for everyone.

Discussion of Critical Success/Failure Factors

When starting the health club the management should also consider the failure factor and act accordingly. Some of the reasons for the failure are:

Lack of proper business plan

Before starting the business the management should come up with the perfect business plan that would provide the knowledge of short-term, long-term goals. The company should have the plan that is flexible in nature and change according to the time and situation occurring. If the company is stated with improper plan the management will face a huge problem and sometime won’t survive at all.

Lack of capital

Capital is considered as the life blood of any business. If the health club is started without sufficient amount .The club might have to buy new equipment, or employ the right people but due to lack of the fund those opportunities can’t be grabbed.

Not keeping track of finance

For all kind of businesses it is must to have a different section for account who will keep track of all the finance. The management team must be responsible when it comes to spending the amount on the business. The expenses should be done according to the priority and the requirement of the work.

Unsuitable location

The health club should be established in such a place where there are potential customers. Places near the school colleges are the appropriate location for establishing the health club rather than the places where old people live.

Unachievable goals

The goals and objective of the business should be within the achievable range. Even if the club is earning profits more than the expected the management should not expand its target.

Not considering about the competition

For any business the competitions that exists in the market will always affects negatively. Taking that competition too lightly will provide great opportunity for the competitors. It won’t take time to lose our customers if a better health club is established near. So the customers should be provided with best services.

Lack of proper supervision

A good supervision form the manager will make effective work in the organization. The functioning of the business will be effective and proper. In addition to that a proper supervision will directly as well as indirectly affect the membership base of the club. Health club business required proper supervision all the time so all the members are motivated enough to come back again and again to the gym.

Insufficient marketing and promotions

Only having a great club all the facilities will not make the business successful. We need to let the people know about the facilities we have and target marketing should be done. Once the initial marketing is done and members are acquired, if we are able to stay consistent with the services those members will provide the aid as a promotion.

2.5   SWOT Analysis

The following is the SWOT analysis includes strength and weakness within the company and opportunity and threats that are the external cause for the company.
·         There is strong relation with the supplier and can provide credit arrangements.
·         The staffs are stable and expert in providing personalized customers care service.
·         The location of the business is at the perfect place where there is large exposure.
·         There is good referral relationship.
·         Heavy operational cost
·         Unpredictable cash flows
·         Less experience among the owners of the company
·         Seasonal changes and challenges
·         It is the growing market and has a lot of potential in alluring more and more customers.
·         The changes in different method of exercising will also create new chances.
·         The is high chance of increase in competitors
·         The resources might not be enough within the time
·         The expectation of the customers might not be met no matter how hard we try.

Porter’s Five Forces analysis

By analyzing the business of the club the company, internal and external factor of the business it will easier to forecast the future of the business.

Threat of new entrants

There will be high chances of new entry in the health club business. Profitable business will attract more new firms. This will result in new entrants eventually decreasing the profit of the company. Until and unless the company can block the new entry in the business this problem will exist in the business. For example there are now large number of competitors existing in the telecom industry resulting in abnormal profit.
Some of the reasons affecting the new entrants are:
·         government policy
·         capital requirement
·         brand quality
·         product uniqueness
·         customer loyalty

Threat of substitute

The presence of products similar to the ones of the company increases the chance of switching from product to product. The potential factors for substitution are:
·         price of the product
·         number of substitute product
·         easiness of product
·         availability of the close products

Bargaining power of the customers

Market of outputs is known as the bargaining power of the customers. The customer play crucial role in determining the price of any product or services in the firm. Different measures can be taken to reduce the buyer’s power for example implementing the loyalty program. Most of the time the power of the buyer is very low as they act independently. The potential factors affecting the bargaining power of the customers are:
·         substitute product availability
·         price sensitivity of the product
·         bargaining power of the customers
·         existence of union

Bargaining power of supplier

Market inputs of the business is known as bargaining power of supplier. Raw material supplies, labor, components, services for the firm are the sources of power. The suppliers for the firm might deny to work for the business creating problem for the company.
The potential factors for the bargaining power of supplier are:
·         substitution inputs availability
·         strength in the distribution channel
·         labor union
·         Differentiation of inputs

Intensity of the competitive rivalry

The major determinant of determining the profitability of the business is competitiveness of the company.
The potential factors affecting the business are;
·         competitive advantage
·         advertising expense
·         transparency business
With the analysis of the five forces, it provides the checklist of the things to do and things to achieve. After the management team should develop in such a way where all kind of work can be done accordingly.

Description of service

The health club will be using all kinds of modern tools. A big television will be installed near the treadmill area so that the people can enjoy along with working out. The financial work from membership, cash transaction and other will done from the main office. All the three computer will be made accessible to the members so that the renewal of membership can be done by all the members. This will make the work of both the management and the members easier.
Equipment and the material will be bought according to how big and large do they want to keep the club. The basic equipment required will be
·         boxing gear
·         gym flooring
·         Dum bells
·         weight plates
The other materials that would be needed for the day to day operations are:
·         notice boards
·         pens
·         furniture
·         lockers
Staff uniform will also be needed. This will make the club professional. A proper roster will be set the employees working in the job so that the efficient utilization of the manpower can be done. Even though the equipment will cost more a high as compared to other business establishment. The supplies will last for the long time and will be providing benefit in the business. Our club will have the access of 24/7. Even though the standard time is usually from morning 6 to 8 for the clubs this service will be beneficial for the people who have different working hours and timing in the business. It will also be operating during the weekend time.
Nowadays people are also interested towards simple and exercise that shows the result in no time. The exercise like Zumba, aerobics and easy training method are applied in our training, the club will also be providing training from the well-known professional in the field of fitness. This will work as a motivational factor for them.
There are all kind of services that will be provided to the customers from simple basic work to the most extreme one. Most of the people will be like this concept as most of the people won’t be able to follow strict regime. Like many people there will be women that are the main focus of the health club.

Business Development Plan

Proper plan should be made to work out according to the situation. Below is the proper format for developing the business plan from start to the end.
Work or the task to be done
Start date
End date
Planning of the business
1/5/ 2015
10 days
Market research
15 days
Establishing the club
1 month
Operation of club
4 days
Reviewing the business work
5 days
Figure: Business Plan and Duration of Work

This division of work will and time will let know the team if the work is being done in time or not. Major people will follow this as a guidance. If some tasks are not done and fulfilled with in the time then the above plan should be reviewed and new plan and format should be taken out the plan to formulate. 

Structure of the Report

The structure of the report should be clear and be well structured. The structure should include all necessary points to be included for the proper formulation of plans and ideas.  The structure of the report includes different chapters that are listed down:

Chapter one: understanding about the topic

In this first chapter the brief study about the structure, background, reason of the study regarding the project are doe. This will provide a proper knowledge to the readers about the field of study. The concept of the business will also be cleared in the first chapter. This chapter will provide the brief description of the topic including the proper guidance for the people how to establish a business plan for the health club and how to make it a habit in itself to visit the health club.

Chapter two: business description

All the necessary plans and ideas are discussed in the chapter. Important ways to avoid failure for the company, strategies that could be followed also included in this chapter.
Business description provides the inside of how the management are planning to work out the business plan. Different business policies that management wants to follow. This kind of business description provides the knowledge about how business can be developed well. Important ways to follow, the business plan positive point and the drawback are included in this chapter.

Chapter three: planning and methodology

This chapter includes all the ways that the management has applied for the planning of the business. Similarly, the methods adopted by the business will recorded in this chapter which will help in future reference.
Planning and methodology includes the concept followed by each and every organization so that the business can function smoothly and effectively. Planning helps the business to work well, if the club has limited amount of budget, it can easily find out the ways to fulfill its needs with the help of proper planning.

chapter four: analysis of information

Under this chapter the management will include all the information obtained from the analysis of the information. The management will also help to deduce important facts for the business.
After the business plans are made and different methods to work are followed, then the analysis of the information is done. Most of the information are helpful for the business firm as this kind of information are based on the true and the real fact. Major decision are taken from the true and real fact, so following this information will be helpful for the business firm.

chapter five: Evaluation of plan

The final chapter includes the work done by the management on the whole business plan. This will show the final outcome of the work. The evaluation of the plan will also show the areas where improvement can be done. It will let the management keep track on the weak areas of the club increasing the chances of success.

After all the work of planning, analyzing is done the business plan is evaluated, this will help to know where are the management lacking behind. Also different ways like, where to establish a business, different methodology, forecast of the knowledge are included, this are briefly studied and will be helpful for the owners to take in the decision of the business.

Rationale for the Study,Aims and Objectives

Since many people are inclined towards the fitness sector in this modern world it would be a good idea to study about the health clubs. Many people are getting health conscious. The lifestyle back in the years was different as compared to now. There was a lot of involvement in physical work rather than the mental one. Today that scenario has changed and people are involved more in mental work. Most difficult task can be completed by the simple machines which out any use of physical energy. So shed out the extra weight and to keep a healthy body more people are attracted towards joining the gym or health clubs.
The study will helps us to get the inside story of the health clubs. It will also give us the idea of how much people are interested in joining the clubs, what they like most about the clubs and the reasons why clubs are lacking behind. This will help the management and people regarding the health equipment and training that are used in the clubs.
Studies showed only 40% of people in American believed that doctors thought they should exercise twice a week. Even though health club and fitness regime is important for good and healthy life, still many people don’t understand that working out is essential in their life. This research will help the people understand the importance of health club in their life. The establishment of the concept health club is novel thought in itself. Many family don’t support their members to take fitness in their day to day life. They don’t even consider it important to do so.
This research will provide the guide to people who are interested in establishing the business related to health club. This will provide them the guide. It will also be useful when the person who has limited budget in the business for investment purpose.
Business plan for the health club is the least topic that is discussed about. Many would not have the ideas what should be done for the development of this kind of business. Many had faced losses in the past due to lack of proper research and planning. This kind of work will provide them the guidance in establishing business plan.

Aims and Objectives

The goals and objectives that are used should be able to provide the project plan a certain direction. This will also provide the company plan a certain direction. The aims of the plan will help to provide clear indication of the important aspects of the plan.

Similarly, the objectives will help the business plan to set a benchmark to be achieved by the business. The business should make sound goals so that the company will be able to satisfy all of them within the time frame without any confusion. 

Background of the Study

In the ancient times, there were only few people who were interested in the physical activities. Either they were solders, young people or the gladiators. With the idea of removing those boundaries and opening the opportunities for the people formal ways we evolved.
In 19th century health club concept hadn’t even developed, only schools and colleges would include gymnasium in their curriculum as their physical exercise. Many gymnastics club were formed during 19th century like turners, 1930’s there concept of the boxing gym was developed evolving from gymnastic club. In 1960’s and 1970’s gym chains were a trend in itself. Bodybuilding was gradually being accepted in the society. Following 1980’s was the trend of new kind of gyms know as corporate gyms. This kind of gyms were established with in the office premises so as to make the employees healthier and disease free. After that in 1990’s there was the mass popularization of the gym and health clubs and till this date health club and fitness place are widely developing.
In 1900s there was increase in the number of those facilities that were more focused on obese people, rich people and the ones who could afford it. Many people were interested in making their body beautiful and stronger. People were also more involved when “spas” were introduced. As now there are many health clubs and society has happily accepted fitness centers and clubs in their life. There are even separate channels regarding fitness of the people. Health club and centers have greatly affected the lifestyle of the people. Even the school and colleges have included physical fitness as a part of their curriculum.
The management is going to start the health club with the concept of creating healthy world. As this business in flourishing year by year. It would provide the management with the best opportunity. It is a kind of business where the interest of the people can be easily grabbed but along with that the management should keep a perfect plan ready all the time for the people.
Health club is a modern concept where people come and gather at a place where they follow a certain fitness regime to either lose weight, gain muscle or tone themselves. This kind of club are popular among the working people as in short period of time we can easily do achieve what we want in short period of time.

This study will help to analyze how health club will benefit in the life of the people. Also it will let know management decide how this health club can be taken to the next level. Further, it will help to decide if the company will provide return its investment or not.

Business information communicating methods

Issues of business information
In any business organization there is certain law that should be followed when using business information. In many organizations it is found that useful information is misused. Generally it is found that people use the information for personal benefit. It is also found that many organization extract information from another rival organization for their benefits. There are different rules and regulations made for the protection of useful information and data of organization. Business information is very crucial to any organization and to protect such information and data laws are made. People working in the organization have to follow different terms and policy to protect the information from misuse. Those policies exist due to existence of misuse of information. Three of the main act that exists in favor of business information protection is data protection act, freedom of information act and computer misuse act.
           Freedom of information act includes the freedom earned by public authority with some limitation. Public authority is bound to provide information to the public about the organization they are related to. Each and every individual have right to get information about the organization where they rely on. The organization should provide necessary information when asked by the customers.
             Data protection act includes all the acts in favor to the internal data and information of organization. This act helps in the protection of data in the organization. Sometimes the information of organization may be lost due to various reasons in that condition backup for all the information will be useful. Similarly different organization use different operating systems for the protection of data.
            Computer misuse act restricts the people to perform illegal activities with the help of computer. The illegal activities include hacking into system of organization, gaining employees personal information and using it to abuse them.

Issue that arises when using business communication
Different kinds of information are used in organization in a daily basis. The information is very important for organizational operation. The organization stores the information safely. Without accurate and proper business information an organization cannot take the proper decision. Organization has to store all the data and information from the past and the present. There should be backups for all information in the organization. Backup helps to access to the information in case the information is lost from the system. The information of organization includes financial transaction, record of the employees and business plans and strategies of the organization. Organization can itself introduce the security policies. Organization will be at huge loss if information like that is lost. For the protection of useful information and data login password, login questions can be asked. The access of information should be limited and only those information and data should be stored that contribute to the operation of organization.

Methods of communicating
With the advancement of technologies the use electronic device has increased widely. This method of communication is efficient and faster. It is cheap means of communication as well. The uses of electronic device for the communication have made business a lot easier than before. This method of communicating helps in sharing the business in the global platform. Uses of electronic means for the communication have made the business a lot simpler. The information can be passed on in any place in any time. The facilities like mobile phones, multi-media, internet have a huge contribution in the business communication today.

          The next method for communicating is without the use of electronic media. Non-electronic media mainly includes written and verbal communication. This method of communication is comparatively easy to understand. The information circulated in written form can be considered as more accurate. Although communication is much easier to understand this method is not considered as best method as communicating through non-electronic means is a time consuming process.

Presenting business information

Corporate communication
Business information is one of important part in the organization.  Business information has an important role in making strategy and taking decision of the organization. Corporate communication is regarded as one of the important tool of organization that helps to manage both internal and external communication. Organization has to attain different kind of goal. To meet the goal organization should be able to manage both internal and external communication. The external communication mainly includes communication with the people outside the organization. Corporate communication usually have four form, they are internal communication, media communication, crisis communication, customer communication and media communication.

The internal communication includes communication passed between employee and stakeholders of the organization. In business organization it is very important to communicate with employee and stakeholders. Communication helps to make them more dedicated to the organization.  Crisis communications are useful to make decision during the emergency. These types of communication should be passed on as far as possible. It should be relayed more effectively and as fast as possible. The awareness and responsibility of the organization is reflected in this type of communication. Media communication includes all type of promotional activities of the organization. It is necessary to attract the customers. Media are the best means of promotion for the organization. It helps in the establishment of brand of the organization and to keep the customer updated about the organization. Consumer communication includes all types of communication with the customers. This type of communication includes offering the customers different types of scheme that can be beneficial to the organization.  Consumer communication also includes complaints made by the customers. For each and every organization corporate communication is extremely important. It is effective and wide approach for the management of information both internally and externally. With the help of corporate communication the objective of the organization will easily be fulfilled.

Issue in relation to the use of business information
External corporate communication

United Kingdom’s largest delivered wholesaler Palmer and Harvey plc is sixth biggest private company. Being one of the largest retailers in the UK, the Company performs different types of wholesaling activities. There are four business platforms of the company, they are: multiple retail, distribution, wholesale and retail. To communicate externally the company performs different types of activities. The company collects the information from different source. The source usually includes the competitors, customers and the government.

Internal business communication

Information received from internal source is internal business communication. Different types of methods are available for the circulation of the information within the organization. Some of the common ways of accessing the information internally are:
1)      Multimedia-communication: Multi-media communications have different types of advantages in accessing to the information internally. These types of information are commonly used for communication in the organization these days. This type of communication includes different types in text, graphs, pictures, videos and animation. The combination of all the forms makes it easy for anyone to understand the information very easily.
2)      Web-based communication: it is one of the latest and popular methods of communication. It is widely practiced in the organization today. Today the organizations are going global. With the help of web one employee of a country can connect to the employee of other country working in the same organization. The information can be circulated very easily. Even within the organization the employee of one department can connect to the employee of another department.
3)      Written-communication: it the best and most reliable source of communication. All the information is communicated in the written form. It is considered as the most factual way of communication. This types of communication all the internal documents of the organization, business letters, plans and policies of the organization. Written communication is easily understood by the people. The employee will know the duties they have to perform.

4)      Verbal communication: the next way of communicating internally is the verbal communication. In any business the information are communicated verbally. For example if department head needs to instruct the staff to perform the job then he/she instruct the staff verbally. It is useful to pass on quick information in the organization. 

Types, source and purpose of business information

Much information are received and provided in the organization. All the information that is circulated in the organization to perform different kind of activities is known as business information. Business information is crucial for any organization. It is one of the most important components of the organization. Business information is important for making strategies for organization. There are different types of methods for receiving and giving the information. Some of the methods of passing business information are:
1)      Written communication: all the information is passed in the written form. It is one of the most relied ways of communicating in the organization. Written communication is one of the oldest methods of communication. Written communication includes all the written form of circulating useful information. It regarded as one of the most method of communicating the business information because it is easy to understand.
2)      Verbal communication: it is also one of the most important methods of communicating the business information. It is most used method of business communication. To perform day to day activities and job in the organization the information is passed verbally. It is useful to circulate immediate decision in the organization. It is also useful in solving small problems. Verbal communication can be both formal and informal. Although it is one of the most efficient method of communicating the business information the information passed verbally is not considered most authentic way as there may be mistranslation of the information.
3)      On-screen communication: this method of communication is effective way to communicate with wide range of people. The information is displayed through TV and CD-ROMs. This type of information are generally used to access the remote area where passing the information is extremely difficult. On-screen information is easy to elaborate and understand. People who are uneducated can be benefitted by using this method of communication.
4)      Web-based communication: all the information relied from the internet falls under web-based information. Information is received from the internet. Usually the information source includes Google engine, social media, blogs and Wikipedia. It is one of the easy and reliable sources of business information. The information received from the internet is usually the secondary source of information that can be used for different decision making of the organization.
5)      Multimedia communication:  it is widely used method of communicating business information. Uses of multi-media have made the communication of business information a lot simpler and easy to understand. This method of communicating includes different type of video clips, sound clips, animation, graphics and much more.
There are different methods for extracting the business information. One is from internal source and the other is the external source. Internal source of information includes all the information present inside the organization. It comes from factors present in the organization within. Internal information mainly comes from different types of reports, departments and management of the organization. Organization should collect different information from the internal source for the better evaluation of the work performed and also for the development of management strategy.

The next source of business information is the secondary source. All the information received from external source outside of the organization falls under the external source of information. All the factors affecting the business come under the external source. Customer’s preference, government rules and regulation are some of the external source of business information. The information provided by external source affect the decision making of the organization. Business information is extracted to make the proper strategies and plan for the organizational success.